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Transações SAP Adm / Security
Transações SAP Adm / Security
Sistema Operacional – Linux
Sistema Operacional - Linux
O que é Administração SAP?
O que é Administração SAP?
SAP Basis – Administração Básica de Segurança da Informação
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ST05 SQL Trace Analysis – ST05 – Performance Analysis 1. Transaction code ST05 (The Performance Trace) used to record database access, locking activities, and remote calls of reports and transactions in a trace file and to display the performance log as a list. It also provides extensive support for analyzing individual trace records. The Performance Trace additionally offers wide support when analyzing individual trace records in detail. 2. The Performance Trace contains the following traces: • SQL Trace: Monitor the database access of reports and transactions. • Enqueue Trace: Monitor the locking system. • RFC Trace: Information about Remote Function Calls between instances. • Table Buffer Trace: Monitor accesses made to the table buffer and how it is loaded or invalidated.